Announcements and Reminders

Are you looking for services offered by registered psychologists and psychological associates in Ontario? Try is a free, referral service offered by the Ontario Psychological Association that helps people looking for services provided by registered psychologists and psychological associates working in the private sector in Ontario to find them. Primary care providers such as physicians can also refer patients to this psychologist-and-psychological associate-matching-service using their electronic medical record platform (see news release here).

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in Announcements and Reminders,Articles,External Resources,General

BounceBack: A Free Guided Self-Help Program Available to Ontario Residents

BounceBack is a free guided self-help program grounded in cognitive-behavioural therapy that is currently available for individuals living in Ontario who are ages 15 and older, have a valid health card number, and who are experiencing mild to moderate levels of depression, with or without anxiety. The program offers two forms of help: (1) online videos a participant can watch at any time, (2) telephone coaching and workbooks. Clients can self-refer or be referred by their primary care provider.

To learn more about the program, please visit the BounceBack website at bouncebackontario.caRead more ›

in Announcements and Reminders,External Resources,Working with Emotion

Audio Version of Compassion Definition(s) Blog Post Now Available

For when you prefer to listen rather than read, an audio version of the blog post, Compassion Definition(s) with Inspiration from Chris Germer is now available. You can listen to the audio version here, or from within the original post.


in Announcements and Reminders,Articles,Compassion,Self-Compassion

Open group sessions, November and December 2017

The upcoming open group sessions I am offering provide clients with the opportunity to regularly nourish the seeds of mindfulness and self-compassion they are growing via guided, structured practice in a safe, group therapy environment, as well as providing the opportunity to have some time for connection with others and for self-reflection. Read more ›

in Announcements and Reminders,Compassion,Expressive Arts,Mindfulness,Self-Compassion,Working with Emotion

Mindful Compassion Group Therapy Programs, Fall 2017

Self-compassion is approaching ourselves, our inner experience with spaciousness, with the quality of allowing which has a quality of gentleness. Instead of our usual tendency to want to get over something, to fix it, to make it go away, the path of compassion is totally different. Compassion allows.   —Robert Gonzales

There are currently two program days/times to choose from for the fall 2017 iteration of the mindful compassion group therapy program I offer Read more ›

in Announcements and Reminders

Advice for finding correct information about my office location and services I provide

Dear Everyone,

Although this post will end up in the middle of posts that have gone before and posts that will come after, I am writing to say that the best sources for information about some of the particulars of my work in private practice (e.g., office address and the specific services I provide) are (1) me (asking me) and (2) my website. Read more ›

in Announcements and Reminders,General

Schedule Change for the Fall 2015 Mindful Compassion Group Therapy Program

Here we have a photo of part of a room that usually serves a few different functions at my office, one of which is as a space for group programs. The photo was taken yesterday. It doesn’t really look to be in any shape to function as a room for groups just at the moment, does it? Here enters the reason I need to modify my previous announcement and plan, which was for the next mindful compassion group program begin next week.  Read more ›

in Announcements and Reminders

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