Hearts in Nature

While enjoying the blog of the Therapeutic Landscapes Network, I came across the post, “Hearts in Nature, from Suz Lipman“. It included two photographs of heart shapes found in nature (a cloud formation framing blue sky and a small stone). The post was inspired by Suz Lipman’s blog, Slow Family, specifically her post, “Hearts in Nature: A Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt“. If you follow the link, you’ll find several beautiful photographs of heart shapes found in natural settings. Suz Lipman’s invitation is to go outside and see how many heart-shaped objects you can find in nature—a scavenger hunt of sorts.
In the spirit of adding to the collection, I’ve included here a photo of my own. It’s a leaf from a serviceberry bush, a wonderful shrub to small-sized tree that produces berries the birds eat with what I suspect is akin to great satisfaction.
The Therapuetic Landscape Network is an inspiring resource “focusing critical attention on the design and creation of landscapes that promote health and well-being, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based design to meet specific patient populations” (Source: home page of their site). What awesome and valuable work.
I would like to thank Gardening and Giving, which is where I learned of this resource.
Posted in Articles, External Resources, Wellness in Nature
Tagged Gardening and Giving, Photography, Websites